The New Year is upon us and while we bask in the afterglow of 2017, grateful for everything good that happened in those 12 months, here’s our little wishlist for 2018…

1. Donald Trump stops behaving like a kid in a sandpit.

Wishlist 2018 - Trump Kim Jong Un

2. We delight our clients with fabulous work!

Wishlist 2018 - Fabulous Work

3. People stop putting raisins in chocolate chip cookies (chunky chocolate chips ONLY please!)

Wishlist 2018 - Raisins in Choco Chip Cookies

4. One of us adopts a pet and brings it to office (and also takes it for potty breaks!)

Wishlist 2018 - Adopt a Pet

5. India moves beyond religion and caste

Wishlist 2018 - India No Caste Religion

6. We win more clients and business!

Wishlist 2018 - Win Clients and Business

7. Unwarranted censorship in movies & on TV is stopped

Wishlist 2018 - Stop Unwarranted Censorship

8. There are no more new seasons of Grey’s Anatomy (cry us a river…)

Wishlist 2018 - Greys Anatomy

9. Netflix gets rid of the ‘Next episode starting in… seconds’ button (too many hours of sleep have been sacrificed at its altar)

Wishlist 2018 - Netflix

10. Go back to #6 👆🏼

Have a super 2018 folks! 🖖🏼